Winter hiking: Magical or miserable?

How to safely explore the joys of winter hiking. By midwinter, our urge to hibernate can start to feel constricting instead of cozy. What better antidote to being cooped up indoors than a bracing hike in the crisp air outdoors? Winter backdrops are stark, serene, and often stunning. With fewer people on the trail, you […]

If you use cannabis, do it safely

Key safety tips as legal medical and recreational marijuana evolve. It’s fair to say that society’s views on cannabis have been evolving. Today, adult recreational use is legal in 21 states and medical use is legal in most other states, to varying degrees. The use of cannabis doesn’t seem to be going away. Given that, […]

The popularity of microdosing of psychedelics: What does the science say?

There is no definitive evidence yet that microdosing with psychedelics is either effective or safe. Psychedelic drugs have been capturing the attention of doctors and patients alike, for their increasingly proven potential to effect long-lasting improvements in the mental health of people who are suffering from conditions such as treatment-resistant depression. Microdosing of psychedelic substances […]

Pouring from an empty cup? Three ways to refill emotionally

It’s hard to care about anything when you feel exhausted, burned out, or ragged around the edges. Your once-fiery enthusiasm may seem more like charred rubble due to overwhelming family responsibilities, a job that drains you, or financial struggles. Or maybe an illness, the uncertainty and disruptions of the age we live in, or a […]

5 skills teens need in life — and how to encourage them

All parents want their children to be successful in life — and by successful, we mean not just having a good job and a good income, but also being happy. And all parents wonder how they can make that happen. According to Harvard’s Center on the Developing Child, it’s less about grades and extracurricular activities, […]

The case of the bad placebo

While studies sometimes reach faulty conclusions, researchers can help correct the record. When it comes to clinical research, the most powerful type of study is a randomized, double-blind, placebo-controlled trial. But even a well-designed trial can arrive at questionable conclusions. Recent follow-up on a 2019 cardiovascular study dubbed REDUCE-IT is one example that offers a […]

Do we feel pain more at night?

Chronic pain often fluctuates during the day and for some it worsens at night — but why? As many as one in five adults in the US — 50.2 million — experience chronic pain, according to a recent survey. These people usually encounter fluctuations in pain during the day: sometimes it’s better in the morning […]

Motorcycle rallies and organ donation: A curious connection

A study finds that accidents at large motorcycle rallies lead to increased organ donations. It’s an old and morbid joke, particularly apt in hospital emergency rooms: What do you call someone on a motorcycle speeding past you on the freeway? An organ donor. It’s not funny, of course. But that sad, dark humor appears to […]

Screening tests may save lives — so when is it time to stop?

Screening tests, such as Pap smears or blood pressure checks, could save your life. They can detect a disease you have no reason to suspect is there. Early detection may allow treatment while a health condition is curable and before irreversible complications arise. Some screening tests help prevent the disease they are designed to detect. […]

Can plant-based diets lower your risk of prostate cancer?

A new study provides encouraging evidence. Do you want to eat a healthier diet while helping to save the planet? Try becoming a vegetarian. You’ll avoid supporting an animal agriculture industry that emits huge amounts of greenhouse gases, and the foods you eat will lower your odds of developing heart disease and diabetes. Plant-based diets […]